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I know that it is old news, but the events surrounding the departure of the CEO of Tripwire deserve some consideration in this space. The primary reason for such consideration to be given is because it was those very events that inspired me to adjust the mission and vision of Ancient Province Games. To me it became undeniable that the gaming industry is not a place friendly to people holding traditional beliefs. Being publicly pro-life was deemed unacceptable.

And I understand why woke progressives would think that way. They believe that the Texas law is wildly anti-woman. It effectively strips women in Texas of what progressives see as a fundamental right: the right of women to end the lives of children growing within them. From that point of view, the Texas law is not merely bad, but wickedly evil. Progressives were acting out of their vision of what is good and true when they maneuvered in such a way as to cause Tripwire's CEO to leave. They want gaming to be a place that is safe and affirming for women, after all.

Unless those women are pro-life.

Call it an ideological purity test, a religious oath of fidelity, or good, old-fashioned virtue signaling if you want. The message is clear: pro-lifers are not welcome. Being pro-life is evil. People who hold such views and say so publicly must be purged from the industry. They may not make a living making games.

This kind of "sorting" is only going to continue, I believe, and it will get significantly worse if the SCOTUS overturns Roe when it publishes its decision about Dobbs in June. People who work in all aspects of the gaming industry will be put under pressure to affirm the right to abortion. Some will do so, even if they are pro-life, and thus live the lie. Others will be willing to sacrifice their careers so that their consciences will be free. Hopefully, they will find each other and go on to found their own game studios.

They will need to be supported. Gamers as a whole are much less woke than the members of the gaming industry. It is possible that some free-thinking or even traditionally-minded development studios will be able to rely on crowdfunding for their startup and initial development expenses, but there is only so much money and attention to go around. Investors who are pro-life, or at least open to supporting pro-lifers, will be sought.

Does the social infrastructure necessary for the right people to contact each other exist among the traditionally-minded? There are many examples of conservative and traditional folks banding together to support each other, so the answer is, "yes," technically. But who owns the websites and apps they use? Who controls the social infrastructure? Generally speaking, progressives do. If Roe is overturned, and the ideological sorting begins in earnest, will the progressives who control the digital public square continue to be so tolerant?

I think the ousting of Tripwire's CEO, along with countless other "cancelations" or attempts at "canceling," make it clear that woke businesses have a Puritanical impulse. This impulse could be strong enough to override the profit motive in dire circumstances. If Roe is overturned, circumstances will indeed be dire for progressives in the US, I think. Traditionally minded people may find that they are no longer tolerated on the progressives' social infrastructure. Where then should they turn?

"The Church," should be the answer. I will explain why, and consider objections to that answer, next time.

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